In episode 4 I am starting to get my life back. At the time I really wasn't aware of how long and hard this journey was going to be for me. If you had have told me that 11 years on from this I would still be having operations and rehab to fix my broken body and mind, I would have told you to get out... GET OUT!!! AND DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT!!! I guess, in a way, that was a good thing because I may have seen the challenge as too great and just given up!

Also, if you said to me I'd be speaking to a crowd full of people for a living, I would have laughed at you hard... and told you to GET OUT!!! AND DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT!!!

My grandparents were unable to visit me at this stage because I was still in PTA and I wasn’t allowed anyone in except immediate family, so mum and dad decided to make a video for them to give them an update: