5 Things Teachers Can do to Keep Their Students Engaged


After my accident, I found learning in a classroom extremely difficult. My injured brain me with difficulties from all angles, but the most obvious was my distractibility. I couldn’t stay focussed for long at all. I found this out when I went back to trade school to finish my qualification in the field of electrical. After failing the first two modules, I quickly realised that I needed help.

I then got taken out of my class of 30 young men and moved to a quiet room with a one-on-one tutor named Mick. I spent the next two years with Mick working to complete the rest of my course, which should have only taken one year. I made it in the end, but only just scraped through with below-average scores. Fast forward many moons and I now know a lot more about distractibility and how to overcome it, especially in the classroom.

Student engagement is at the forefront of this battle. As soon as a teenager is not engaged, you’ve lost… so, the trick is to keep them engaged (just to state the obvious). As obvious as this is, sometimes we forget and just focus on getting to the end of the day so that we can get home and finish marking those assignments the students handed in last week. As a teacher, you understand that this is key to their learning success. While it's normal for students to experience occasional distractions in class, persistent inattention can hinder their academic progress. In this blog post, we will explore five ways you can work with your students to help them stayed engaged:

  1. Create a positive learning environment

    A positive learning environment is important when trying to keep students engaged and focused. As a teacher, you can make this happen by creating an atmosphere where students feel safe, respected, and supported. Start by greeting your students warmly when they come into the classroom. This can simply be done by using their names and making eye contact… with a smile. Encourage them to participate in class by encouraging them to ask questions, giving them feedback on their work, and celebrating their achievements. You can also try using classroom props, posters, colours, and anything to make learning fun and engaging.

  2. Use varied teaching methods

    I am a visual learner like 65 percent of the population, but there are different types of learners. This is why it's essential to use different teaching methods that cater to different learning styles. This way, students who are easily distracted can stay focused and engaged. Try incorporating different teaching techniques such as group work, visual aids, videos, hands-on activities, and games. These methods are engaging and help students understand complex concepts and retain information better. Don’t forget though, those auditory learners might not mind listening to you talk to the class, so try a bit of that too.

  3. Set realistic and achievable goals

    Goals help students stay focused and motivated. However, the goals you set should be realistic, achievable, and measurable. When students understand what is expected of them and what they want to achieve, they are more likely to stay focused and motivated. You can help your students set short-term and long-term goals and give them feedback on their progress. Celebrate their achievements to keep them motivated and engaged.

  4. Encourage active learning

    Active learning is a process where students are actively involved in their learning. It can be achieved through class discussions, debates, and problem-solving activities. This approach keeps students engaged and helps them understand complex concepts. Encourage your students to ask questions, participate in discussions, and seek feedback on their work. This way, they can stay focused and interested in what they are learning.

  5. Use technology

    Technology is a powerful tool that can help students learn better. You can use various digital tools such as interactive whiteboards, educational games, videos, and online resources. These tools are not only engaging but also provide instant feedback, which helps students stay motivated and focused. Additionally, you can use social media platforms to connect with your students, share resources, and communicate important information. As controversial as this may be, social media (done right) is THE best way to connect. Create a group on Facebook that your students can join so that you can share things with them at the drop of a hat (just make sure you have your account private). They are more likely to read something that has been shared with them on Facebook than read something that has been given for homework.

Helping students learn better is an ongoing process that requires patience, dedication, and creativity. As a teacher, you have an important role to play in creating a positive learning environment. If you can use varied teaching methods, help your students set achievable goals, encourage active learning, and use technology to connect, help your students stay focused will stay motivated, and engaged in their learning. With these 5 simple things, you too can help improve their academic performance.